International collaboration
• Professor Karl Aberer, Credibility of Web Content, Ecole Federale Polytechnic de Lausanne, Switzerland
• Professor Anwitaman Datta, Mobile and Nomadic Collaboration on Mobile Devices, Nanyang University of Technology (NTU), Singapore
• Professor Fabio Casati, Well-being, Social Inclusion and Cognitive Performance of Elders, University of Trento, Italy
• Professor Katsumi Tanaka, Credibility of Web Content, Professor Toru Ishida, Language Grid, University of Kyoto, Japan
• Professor Yoshiteru Nakamori, Knowledge Management and Creativity Support, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Japan
• Professor Adam Jatowt, University of Innsbruck
• Professor Joemon Jose, School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow