About me

Photo by Tomasz Żak

Prof. Adam Wierzbicki is a Full Professor of Informatics; a researcher with interdisciplinary knowledge and experience in informatics, psychology and sociology. He is employed at the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, where he is Vice-President, Head of Ph.D programme (since 2010, this interdisciplinary program involved several hundred students), and leader of a research group in Social Informatics. His research interests lie in Social Informatics, an area of informatics that aims to design information systems and algorithms while taking into account their social and psychological impact, as well the reciprocal impact of human behavior on information systems. Prof. Wierzbicki has been a pioneer of research on Web content credibility. In 2013-2016, he has led the Reconcile project that researched methods of Web content credibility evaluation, pioneering research in this area before the term “fake news” was coined. He is an author of the monograph “Web content credibility” (Springer, 2018). Prof. Wierzbicki is the Steering Committee Chair of the International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo), and a Senior Member of ACM.

Current positions

Vice-President for Development, Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology

R&D Leader: InfoTester project

Research Consultant for companies:



Head of Ph.D programme: ICT & Psychology (interdisciplinary Ph.D programme in Informatics and Psychology), together with SWPS University

Former positions

Head of Ph.D programme: Social Informatics (interdisciplinary Ph.D programme). The programme recruited 20 participants who studied at PJAIT during 2013-2015. 8 Ph.D students (40%) completed the programme and obtained Ph.D degrees.