Research & social impact

Steering Committee Chair of International Conference on Social Informatics

In 2009, I have organized the first International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo) at PJAIT in Warsaw. The first edition of the conference was fully sponsored from the grant that funded the Social Informatics Master studies. The first edition of the conference had participants from U. of Amsterdam, Cambridge University, Bergen University, U. of Tubingen, University of Milan, Norwegian University of Science and Technology and several other international research institutions. The proceedings of the first edition were published by the IEEE. I have acted as General Chair of the first and second edition of the conference which took place in Vienna, Austria. Proceedings of the second edition and all subsequent editions have been published by Springer in the LNCS series.
Since then, SocInfo has taken place annually in: SMU Singapore; EPFL Lausanne; U. of Kyoto; Yahoo Research Barcelona; Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; Seattle, USA; University of Oxford, UK. SocInfo’2018 will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia. The conference receives on average about 100 submissions and accepts about 20. The overall H-index on Google Scholar of papers published in SocInfo proceedings exceeds 25.
Since 2012, I hold the position of Steering Committee Chair, and am responsible for the selection of the next year’s conference General Chairs and venue.

Visit: Homepage of International Conference on Social Informatics

Living Lab for Elders

Since 2015, I have been directing the project “Elder’s Living Lab” realized by the research group “Social Informatics”. This project, carried out in cooperation with the Municipality of Warsaw, educates seniors in the use of ICT and engages them in research on ICT for serving seniors. The LivingLab project conducts a continuous popularizing activity, including regular consultations for seniors on ICT.

Commercial R&D projects

2017-2018: Participation in commercial R&D project “InsideExpert: design of methods and algorithms for codifying tacit knowledge in an organization and implementing them into an information system that supports informal knowledge sharing.The project has been financed from the Regional Operational Program of the Mazovia Woivodship. The project is realized in collaboration with the company Tomorrow. The goal of the project is the design of a Question-and-Answer (Q&A) system that would support sharing knowledge by company employees through asking questions and receiving answers. The role of PJAIT in the project is the design of a specialized reputation system that will enable expert identification and discovery of competence gaps in specific competence areas in an organization.

2013-2015: Participation in commercial R&D project “New algorithms for prediction and reservation of Internet ad campaigns”, financed from the Innotech program of the National Center for Research and Development, in collaboration with the company AdOcean from the Gemius group. The results of the project have been new algorithms for predicting efficacy and reserving space for Internet ad campaigns. The algorithms enabled a more accurate prediction of the realization of ad campaigns, and a more effective use of advertisement potential. The project contributed to an increase of revenue and increase of customer satisfaction of the company.

2013-2014: Participation in R&D program financed by the international company Schneider Electric. The goal of the project was research on multi-hard problems, which are a combination of several NP-hard problems. The results of the project have been published at the prestigious Gecco conference and in the journal “Evolutionary Computation”.